
Library pic 1
Liz Fambrough Image
Library Logo
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Welcome! I am Mrs. Fambrough, the Library Media Specialist here at Lake Jackson Intermediate School. I grew up in Lake Jackson and graduated from Brazoswood HS. I earned my Bachelor's Degree from the University of Houston (Go Coog's!) & my Master's Degree from the University of North Texas.

Contact Information:  [email protected]   |   979-730-7250 ext 15224

Mission: The mission of all BISD Library Media Centers is to develop and empower the learning community with the capacity to excel in an ever-changing world through exposure to and experience of all forms of information literacy.

Vision: Empowering our Future

Many special programs are offered through the library.  Please check out the information provided below. We encourage all students to participate in our programs!

Library Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:15 PM, Monday through Friday

  • The library will also be available for students to check out books during lunch. Students may also come to the library during class provided they have a pass from their teacher.

  • Students are allowed to check out two books at a time and keep the books for two weeks.  If more time is needed, simply come back to the library and renew.

  • Students, for your convenience, please provide the librarian with your cell number when you first check out your book, and a text message will be automatically sent in two weeks to remind you of your turn in date.  All information is confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone.


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